I'm Walking on hillside, in the bright moonlight sky, Asking the questions, but not knowing why.
Glad I'm a real one, who feels all the feels, holding high values, like a knight holds his shield.
Walking down same streets, in a towns called the same, Feeling the feels, in this looking glass game. I'm more than a feeling, I'm taller than sky, at the dream makers party, eating dream makers pie.
I'm feeling the feels, that expand upon high, in a marmalade field, with a marmalade sky.
Buttercup pancakes, stacked high on a hill, chilled red wine feelings, My senses tranquil.
I'm a bug, sat on dew drops, that shimmer like pearls, Both feet on the ground, in this looking glass world.
The feelings I choose, on this day that I'm in, They cause me to smile, and feel love within.
I'm Jiving the jive, of a dance I don't know, remembering, memories of a deep inner glow.
Knights in apricot armour, all sat in a row, riding swans on a lake, with a magical glow,
Ancient wise musings that so resonate, whilst I'm tripping on time, eating marigold cakes.
The lavender colour in a druid suits hood, are you starting to see, why I'm misunderstood.
I'm feeling the feels, that expand upon high, in a marmalade field, with a marmalade sky.
The twinkling stars, in the milky way sky, I now know, I know now, and I understand why.
My life and my freedom, my dreams flying high, All mixed to perfection, like the dream makers pie.
Woke up this morning with clarity eyes, No alarm clock buzzing, just the lark's surprise.
Coffee's brewing, but I don't need no buzz, 'Cause I'm already feeling a whole lotta good.
Working five days straight, morning to night, but with my new found vibe, I'm fly as a kite.
when the day is all done, I'll not need no scrolling. No mid-day slump or late-night revolving,
Just this steady beat jibing, while my soul keeps evolving.
I'm timeless tripping on this neo soul groove, My heart's got the rhythm, without nothing to prove. Don't need for stimulants, my spirit's alive, In this slow-burning, sweet feeling candy bar vibe.
So here's to the dreamers who keep it real, To the artists with a heart that feels all the feels.
We don't need no caffeine or candy bar dreams, Cause our soul is where the real magic streams.
I've got these dreams walking round in my head, No sugar rush or caffeine gonna make them dead. Its the slow-burning embers that's keeping me real, Don't need no candy bar dreams, to feel all the feels.
I'm timeless tripping on this neo soul groove, My heart's got the rhythm, without nothing to prove. Don't need for stimulants, my spirit's alive, In this slow-burning, sweet feeling candy bar vibe. So here's to the dreamers who keep it all real. To the groovers with a soul that feels all the feels. Don't need no caffeine or candy bar dreams, 'Cause we're living in our own heart felt soul dream.
Dream all the dreams, in your starry night head, question the questions, as you lay in your bed.
I choose my feelings, don't let them choose me, its the key to the lock, that sets your soul free.
feel all the feels, expanding on high, beyond the horizon, and way beyond sky.
sensing your senses , thinking your thoughts, smiling your smiles, and talking your talks.
vision the visions, holding the ground, Feeling the feels, and the sound of the sounds.
sensing the senses , thinking the thoughts, smiling the smiles, and talking the talks.
laughing the laughs, crying the cry's, screaming the screams, and sighing the sighs.
loving the loves, singing the songs, dancing the dances, and righting the wrongs.
Fluffy cloud puzzles, on a hot sunshine day, the breeze in the trees, making them sway.
A butterfly flutter, in a gold meadow glow, the sound of the silence, when you stand still in snow.
a bird on a branch, in cold morning frost, its breath casts a mist, that's so pure and so soft.
your more than a feeling, your taller than sky, forget all the questions, remember the whys.
the swishing of waves, on a beach in mid June, is it true when they say, there's a man on the moon.
vision your visions, holding your ground, Feeling your feels, and the sound of your sounds.
sensing your senses , thinking your thoughts, smiling your smiles, and talking your talks.
laughing your laughs, crying your cry's, screaming your screams, and sighing your sighs.
loving your loves, singing your songs, dancing your dances, and righting your wrongs.
so remember when you next glance the sky, you now know, you know now, and you understand why.
In the still of the night, when shadows dance alone, moments lost in time, like a mystery unknown. A world unknown unveils, before your very eyes, where dreams can be destroyed, or dreams can come alive.
Your rolling the dice, story not yet written, smile on your face, like a honey bunny kitten.
in a lull before the storm, silence before speaking, In this "Pulp Fiction" moment, calm before the freaking.
Its those Pulp Fiction Dreams, the best you've ever seen, all cool and sliding like a sled,
Those pulp fiction scenes, cooler than ice cream, forever etched within our heads.
Its those Pulp Fiction Dreams, in the magazines, with Mia posing on the bed,
Those pulp fiction scenes, cast on big screens, cool words forever being said.
In this dreamlike state, you're suspended in a time,
Like a narrative on hold, in a dream makers rhyme.
Did you start at the end, and then, end up at the start,
its a mother flipping mystery, we all just play our parts.
Your rolling the dice, story not yet written, smile on your face, like a honey bunny kitten.
there's a lull before the storm, silence before speaking, In a "Pulp Fiction" moment, calm before the freaking.
Its those Pulp Fiction Dreams, the best you've ever seen, all cool and sliding like a sled,
Those pulp fiction scenes, cooler than ice cream, forever etched within our heads.
Its those Pulp Fiction Dreams, in the magazines, with Mia posing on a bed,
Those pulp fiction scenes, cast on big screens, cool words forever being said.
if any of you mother flippers move, I will, really miss every mother flipping last one of you.
Now you've awoken, feeling kind of drained,
a vivid powerful dream, pulp fiction in your brain.
In the end, it's just a pause, just a chapter rewind,
A "Pulp Fiction" moment, where life and dreams realign.